How Many Companies Use Cloud Computing in 2021? All You Need To Know

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Use Cloud Computing in 2021

Has your website ever been the victim of a cyberattack that resulted in the loss of vital information?

Have you ever had a hard disc crash and lost essential files, software, or programs?

Do you want a solution that can save you money as well?

You’ve come to the right place. The answer is cloud computing.

An increasing number of businesses are adopting it.

In this post, we’ll look at how many businesses are using cloud computing, what the benefits are, and why you should get on board.

How Many Companies Use Cloud Computing in 2021? All You Need To Know
Use Cloud Computing in 2021

Impressive Cloud Adoption Statistics for 2021

  • By 2025, the market for public cloud computing will be worth $800 billion.
  • Enterprise cloud investment will account for 14% of worldwide IT revenue by 2024.
  • In 2021, the Platform as a Service (PaaS) market will expand by 26.6 percent.
  • 70% of businesses that use the cloud intend to expand their budgets in the future.
  • In 2020, 61% of organizations will have moved their workloads to the cloud.
  • In 2020, Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounted for 76 percent of enterprise cloud adoption.

We told you that the figures would surprise you.

But wait, there’s more!

How Many Companies Are Using Cloud Computing in 2021?

We’ll look at the cloud computing market in this part.

By 2025, the public cloud market will be valued at more than $800 billion.

The cloud is becoming increasingly popular among businesses.

According to forecasts, the global cloud computing market will increase by $461 billion by the fourth quarter of 2025. That’s a compound annual growth rate of 17.5 percent (CAGR).

It’s happening in every business imaginable, including retail, media, telecommunications, education, banking, and other financial services.

Predictions show that spending for enterprise cloud platforms will increase by 14% in 2024.

When the unexpected pandemic struck in 2020, end-users swiftly learned to adjust to the “new normal.”

Organizations have realized that a computer system can be used without the user having direct control. In other words, they are not required to own data centers and can pay for services such as storage on a per-user basis. Who could say no to that?

According to estimates, the enterprise cloud adoption market would expand by over 15% by 2024. In comparison to 2020, this represents a 5% increase.

In 2021, Platform as a Service (PaaS) will grow by nearly 30%

According to forecasts, spending on application infrastructure, such as PaaS, is expected to increase by a quarter in 2021. SaaS will take the top spot in 2021, with a CAGR of $117 billion. With $65 billion, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) will come in second. Platform as a Service (PaaS) comes in third place, with $55 billion in customer spending.

¾ of organizations using cloud services plan to increase their expenditure.

According to cloud adoption statistics, 7 out of 10 businesses that plan to use the services in 2020 will spend more money in the area. Companies must invest more money in virtual working technologies after the pandemic.

The market will continue to expand in the future as more telecommunications firms collaborate with service providers to create hybrid work environments. More people will use automation to improve collaboration and job flexibility.

By 2020, more than half of all businesses will have transferred their workloads to the cloud.

2020 will be remembered as when most businesses had to transform their operations almost overnight.

So, how many businesses take advantage of cloud computing?

By 2020, six out of ten enterprises will have shifted their operations to the cloud. This trend is expected to continue in the next few years, as 46% of enterprises indicated improved cost financials.

Enterprise Cloud Adoption Statistics

Thousands of businesses have moved their operations to the cloud during the last decade. We may soon discover that nearly no one is willing to use physical servers to conduct business operations. As a result, we’ve decided to provide you with some of the most critical cloud adoption enterprise statistics you’ll ever see on the internet. Continue reading to learn more about them.

Cloud costs will become cheaper in the future.

Businesses who need to save money will be pleased to learn that they are in luck.


Cloud computing is not a monopoly.

As more firms choose to use the services, costs will decrease.

As of 2021, cloud computing statistics suggest that AWS, Google Cloud, SyncCore, and Azure are the most prevalent.

However, keep an eye out for companies like IBM, Alibaba, Oracle, or VMware, as they attempt to succeed in this niche.

That’s fantastic news for purchasers, and here’s why:

New and emerging service providers strive to get a competitive advantage by providing the most excellent product at the most reasonable price. The Giants won’t be able to avoid following suit. Who has the most top-of-the-line options at affordable prices? You, the client.

By 2020, most firms would want to use the public cloud.

According to public cloud adoption statistics, 31% of businesses will rely on the public cloud in 2020, making it a less expensive option. With 28 percent of organizations prioritizing hybrid cloud, it came in second. In addition, 17% of businesses viewed the public and private clouds to be equally important. With 9% and 6%, respectively, on-premises private cloud and hosted private cloud last.

By the fourth quarter of 2021, 28% of enterprises will be employing cloud containers.

Cloud containers allow customers more control than standard servers because they run programs remotely. They’re dependable, efficient, and productive, which is why they’re becoming increasingly popular.

According to the future of cloud computing, serverless computing will account for 28% by the end of 2021. This market will be dominated by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

In 2020, 93 percent of cloud users will have used a multi-cloud strategy.

According to cloud adoption statistics, over 90% of firms using the cloud in 2020 will also be using multi-cloud. The hybrid option was chosen by 87 percent of respondents.

A multi-cloud strategy is sometimes confused with a hybrid cloud plan.

There is, however, a distinction between the two.

A hybrid cloud strategy takes advantage of the best features of both public and private cloud computing. On the other hand, a multi-cloud strategy performs its functions using a variety of cloud service providers such as Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, SyncCore, and others.

Depending on your goals, a multi-cloud approach may or may not involve a hybrid cloud. The fundamental motivation for implementing a multi-cloud strategy is to lessen reliance on a single cloud host in the event of a failure.

Small and Medium-Size Businesses (SMBs) Cloud Adoption Statistics

The cloud provides the ideal platform for SMBs to operate on a tight budget while maximizing profit without sacrificing quality, cost, or efficiency. It’s no surprise that SMBs are the most active cloud technology users in today’s market. Continue reading to learn about some of the fascinating data on SMB cloud usage.

In 2020, 43% of SMBs will employ a public-hosted cloud solution.

During the same year, only 35% selected private clouds.

Small businesses are usually on a budget. That means they must make the most of all available resources to attain the intended outcome. The public cloud is simple to use, cost-effective, and expandable, with pre-installed infrastructure and software.

This is a less expensive choice than private and hybrid clouds.

For SMBs, cloud computing is 40 times more cost-effective than in-house IT solutions.

That’s right, you read it accurately. You can save money in ways you never thought possible with physical servers with cloud computing.

For starters, switching to the cloud will save you money on the costs of owning and maintaining physical server gear, such as repairs, electricity bills, updates, and security. Second, in the cloud, you only pay for the resources that you utilize.

From 2021, 34% of employees will work virtually permanently.

Freelancers are no longer the only ones who can work from home.

According to 2021 cloud adoption figures, decision-makers intend to telework 34 percent of their staff in the long run. This is more than double what it was before the COVID pandemic.

By 2021, 40% of Fortune 500 organizations will have undergone a digital transformation.

How many organizations in the Fortune 500 employ cloud computing?

In 2021, about half of Fortune 500 organizations will undergo technology transformation. They’ll either improve current systems or automate manual processes.

In 2021, we can already notice specific improvements in this sector, for example

  • Clients can do mobile transactions with most banks in most countries, eliminating the need to visit physical branches.
  • Curbside delivery allows customers to pick up things without going to a store and likely wait in line.

39 percent of organizations lack the expertise needed to migrate to the cloud.

The deployment of technological systems necessitates some level of technical understanding.

According to cloud adoption statistics for 2021, approximately 40% of businesses are unsure if they have the skills to make the switch. This can be remedied with proper training.

Public Cloud Adoption Statistics

Businesses can use the services of a data center without owning one by using a public-hosted cloud. In this example, a cloud provider (such as Amazon) rents out a portion of its data center to enterprises for a fee temporarily. Your cloud host handles all management and maintenance, and you only pay for the services you require.


Let’s take a look at the numbers surrounding public cloud adoption.

Ninety percent of businesses worldwide will be using multi-cloud by 2022.

According to cloud adoption statistics, multi-cloud usage will reach over 100% in 2022. According to research published in March 2020, this is the case. To address infrastructure requirements, it is expected that more firms will want a combination of legacy systems, various public clouds, and on-premise private clouds.

Ninety-seven percent of information technology (IT) managers will distribute work over many clouds by 2020.

In 2020, IT executives were more interested in multi-cloud systems, with nearly all aiming to distribute workloads through them. This is a trend that will continue through 2021.

The following are some of the reasons for this preference:

  • Compliance and regulation are essential to 43% of participants.
  • According to 42 percent of the managers, each supplier will offer a set of advantages.
  • 63 percent of respondents want to benefit from its dependability and availability.

By 2021, user spending on public cloud computing will total $304 billion.

According to cloud adoption data, end-user spending would increase by $47 billion in 2021. Thanks to several variables, there will be an 18 percent increase from 2020.

Consumers have shifted to more economical and scalable on-demand services in the face of the pandemic. The public cloud has become a need rather than a luxury as organizations seek to change operations.

Which Industry Is the Biggest User of Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing has gained significant growth across numerous industries since taking center stage as the most favored platform for storing, managing, and processing company data. The following statistics will introduce you to some of the most critical cloud technology consumers worldwide.

In 2021, infrastructure (IaaS) will expand by 27%.

IaaS is catching up to the big dogs in the SaaS and PaaS worlds. According to cloud adoption statistics for 2021, its deployment will increase by 11% above what it was in 2020. During the same period, business process services (BPaaS) will expand at a single-digit rate of 6.25 percent.

In 2021, SaaS will account for 75% of all workloads.

SaaS will continue to be a popular choice for many firms as they migrate away from on-premise solutions. In 2021, SaaS will account for seven out of ten workloads as businesses continue to seek solutions that address the lessons learned from Covid’s impact in 2020.

By 2021, 98 percent of organizations will have switched to a multi-hybrid cloud.

A multi-cloud strategy allows a company to run its operations across many clouds and providers. It aids with cost-cutting, security, and backup preparations.

In 2020, salesforce was the largest SaaS company in the United States.

According to cloud adoption statistics, SalesForce was the largest SaaS company in the United States as of 2020, with a market capitalization of $161.4 billion.

That was over three times the value of the runner-up.

ServiceNow and Shopify finished second and third with $57.9 billion and $52.1 billion, respectively.

Cloud Adoption Rates by Country

Although cloud adoption is at an all-time high, not all countries equally benefit from its benefits. The following are the most critical cloud adoption statistics broken down by country.

As of 2021, North America’s online backup budget is set at 15%.

North America spends 15% of its IT budget on online data recovery and restoration in the cloud. Europe sets aside 10% of its budget for backup. North America spends 15% of its overall information technology spending on cloud productivity, compared to 9% in Europe.

The US government’s cloud investment would reduce to $2.2 billion in 2021.

You may have heard that the federal government is unexpectedly cutting spending by 17%. It will be $400 million as the previous few years.

Shawn P. McCarthy, research director at IDC, believes it is most likely an oversight. He assures that the industry’s cloud adoption rates will be significantly better in the future. The sum is predicted to rise to $3 billion during the same period.

The United Kingdom was the world’s third-largest cloud consumer in 2020.

According to data on cloud adoption by country, the United Kingdom was one of the top three investors in 2020, with $13.8 billion. With $171 billion, the United States took first place. With $14.5 billion, China was the second-largest investor.

The Asia Pacific (APAC) region spent 25% of its GDP on cloud services in 2020.

Singapore, China, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, and Indonesia are the leaders in cloud adoption in Asia, according to statistics on cloud adoption rates by nation.

In 2020, 36% of EU countries will use cloud computing to host their emails.

Due to the recession, 2018 was a challenging year for most European countries. Only 26% of the union’s organizations were using the technology at the time.

In a fortunate turn of events, cloud businesses increased significantly in 2020. It had been adopted by about 40% of the region’s companies.

Cloud Security Statistics for 2020

Security is one of the main reasons businesses migrate to the cloud. Cyberattacks are challenging to target in the cloud since they contain sophisticated and up-to-date security software. Here are a few of the most eye-catching cloud security figures.

By 2022, 60% of businesses will be using Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB).

Businesses keep critical information in the cloud, which naturally raises security concerns. Companies that use a variety of topologies, apps, and cloud providers are frequently investigated.

However, you do not need to be concerned because CASB can safeguard your data. In fact, according to cloud security data for 2021, six out of ten enterprises will use them by 2022.

There’s a reason they’re becoming a popular choice among many:

They have top-of-the-line security measures that you won’t find with other cloud service providers. They also provide full controls and granular visibility.

In 2021 and beyond, hackers will target personal computers.

Remember when “Nigerian princes” circulated on the internet, attempting to defraud people?

Since then, fraudsters have advanced significantly, and they now have better and more sophisticated methods for duping people into installing malware. The Solar Winds event is a current illustration of how quickly these criminals have become.

According to predictions, in 2021, many cyber thugs were expected to target more people who work from home. According to a 2016 Gartner analysis on cloud security data, users will be responsible for 95 percent of security breaches in 2020.

And if they don’t tighten their safety controls, that may be true.

Because most people don’t have access to company firewalls, this is an excellent opportunity to plug those flaws.

In 2021, 80 percent of harmful bots will be operating from the cloud.

Not to terrify you, but there are a lot of opportunistic virtual machines waiting to pounce on unsuspecting users in the cloud.

However, at Techjury, we believe that knowledge is power.

It can assist you in securing all of your weaknesses and stopping intruders in their tracks.

According to cloud security statistics, by 2021, eight out of ten digital robots will be living in the cloud. They are so advanced that they do not use cutting-edge technologies like Kubernetes, SageMaker, or AWS Glue.

Again, this is another reminder that all stakeholders should undergo awareness training and invest in security tools.

The Future of Cloud Computing

Advanced artificial intelligence is at the forefront of future trends in the cloud computing sector. Let’s take a look at the overall cloud computing market trends.

In 2021, AI spending will reach $52 billion.

According to cloud adoption statistics, AI will rise at a compound annual interest rate of 46.2 percent from 2016 to 2021. As a result, expect a surge in data all around the world. Artificial intelligence will aid in distributing large amounts of labor via the cloud and automate the majority of tasks.

Global 2000 companies will generate 1.4 million gigabytes of data by 2024.

According to market trends in cloud computing, we can expect a lot of data from Global 2000 companies. By 2024, these companies will have processed nearly 1.5 million gigabytes. This data will require storage, which is where the cloud comes in.

Companies intend to boost hybrid cloud deployment by 54%.

According to survey results, more than half of respondents want to implement hybrid cloud solutions by 2026. As non-cloud data centers are phased out, this will happen.

By 2020, more than 20% of enterprises worldwide will have implemented serverless computing.

This was a significant improvement above the measly 5% in 2018. Developers can use serverless computing to create, test, launch, and manage programs in the cloud without paying for server space. Instead, users are charged on a pay-per-use basis.

Many firms use the cloud to rent a set number of servers or storage space rather than owning them. According to statistics, serverless computing seeks to reduce the number of cloud computing firms in 2021. By 2020, two out of every ten enterprises had adopted it. This will almost certainly continue in the future.

In 2026, the TV cloud computing market will be worth $4.2 billion.

In 2020, the Cloud TV market will have grown by 1.2 billion people. According to projections, the sector’s growth will more than triple in the next several years.

Its value will climb by $3 billion by 2026, a CAGR of 21.9 percent. As more people utilize linked TVs, tablets, smartphones, and other devices to access the internet, this will happen.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How big is cloud computing?

Very large. In 2020, the worldwide cloud computing market will be worth more than $200 billion. Businesses used the cloud to handle more than 60% of all internet workloads during the same period. According to projections, the sum will reach $623 billion by 2023. More will soon follow suit.

  1. What percentage of applications have moved to the cloud to date?

By 2020, 81 percent of businesses will have at least one cloud-based application.

  1. What percentage of companies use the cloud?

By 2020, 93 percent of enterprises will have adopted a multi-cloud strategy, with 83 percent opting for hybrid cloud solutions.

  1. What is cloud computing adoption?

Cloud computing adoption is a method used by both small and large businesses to accomplish business growth by employing remote servers located on the internet. All cloud adoption methods aim to increase productivity at a lower cost and risk while maintaining product quality. Cloud computing is functioning, as evidenced by the many businesses that employ it.


How many businesses take advantage of cloud computing?

Cloud computing is no longer a new trend; it has successfully taken over the online processes of most industries. The benefits of high security, cost-effectiveness, adaptability, and scalability are indisputable.

If your company isn’t already using the cloud, there’s no better time than now to leap.

It’ll be worth it, we promise.

If you need cloud services, get in touch with us via [email protected] or Learn More:

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